Thursday, December 9, 2010

good help

Leah:  Mom, I missed your description of the cylindrical rooms.
Mom:  They’re different themes. It’s like a TV show where somebody goes to sleep and you wake up and you’re in a totally different place. I go to sleep, and I’m not really asleep because I’m totally aware. It’s like I drift off and I’m like, “Oh! Where am I now?” There’s the Christmas room…
Peanut:  The pot room.
Mom: Where’s that?
Peanut recounts Mom’s previous (not written down) description of the Pot Room.
Mom: Oh, the POTS! They didn’t know what to do with the pots because they were on the logs. When I think about it, I’m thinking, "These things are wood. They probably burn after a while. They probably shouldn’t be made out of wood."
Peanut: But the elves were just stupid because they kept putting them on the stove.
Mom: They didn’t understand. And the people were stupid, too, because they just kept buying them.
Peanut:  Oh, they were buying them?
Mom: Yeah, they were all gifts. It was like Macy’s on steroids.

A few minutes later, after thinking more about the elves - 
Mom:  It’s hard to get good help. Even at that level.

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