Tuesday, December 21, 2010

tragedy and romance

Julie walks toward Mom’s bedroom to bring her a hot pack, and hears Mom calling out in desperation:

Mom: Jack! ... Jack!

Julie enters the room, and Mom has her eyes closed and one hand extended in the air, as if reaching for someone.

Julie: Who's Jack?
Mom, oblivious: Jack! Jack! ... Come back, Jack!
Julie: Mom, who's Jack?
Mom, now addressing Julie: Jack! (said like Julie should know who she was talking about)
Julie: I don't know who Jack is.
Mom: The guy frozen in the water! He's falling down!
Julie: ...Oh. You mean Titanic?
Mom: (Pause).... Yes. (Longer pause and then said calmly) Do you think William and Kate will be happy? I hope so.

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